IOCL Recruitment Through GATE 2020: Indian Oil Corporation Limited has published a recruitment notification for the post of Engineers/Officers and Graduate Apprentice Engineers through GATE-2020. Eligible and Interested Candidates who are looking for Jobs in PSUs through GATE 2020 can apply for IOCL Engineers/Officers and Graduate Apprentice Posts by following the links given below.
IOCL Engineers/Officers and Graduate Apprentice Vacancy Details 2020:
Total Number of Posts: not given in advt.Eligible Discipline:
- Chemical Engineering (including Petrochemicals/Polymer/ Plastic Engineering but excluding Rubber/ Oil/ Paint Technology/ Surfactant Technology/Ceramics Engineering etc)
- Civil Engineering (excluding Construction /Environmental/Transportation Engineering etc.)
- Electrical Engineering (including Electrical & Electronics Engineering but excluding Electrical & Communication/ Power Engineering/ Telecommunication Engineering etc.)
- Mechanical Engineering (excluding Automation/ Bio-medical Engineering/ Automobile/ Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Power/ Production Engineering/ Mining Engineering & Technology, Mining & Machinery/Marine Engineering/ Textile Engineering/ Robotics/ Welding etc.)
Age Limit: Maximum 26 years as on 30th June, 2020 for General and Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) category candidates.
Important Dates:
Opening Date of Registration: 07.04.2020
Last Date of Registration:
Important Links:
Click Here to download IOCL Engineers/Officers and Graduate Apprentice Engineers Recruitment Notification PDF
Click Here to apply online